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Updated: 9 hours 57 min ago

Webb telescope reveals asteroid collision in neighboring star system

Mon, 06/10/2024 - 2:03pm
Astronomers have captured what appears to be a snapshot of a massive collision of giant asteroids in Beta Pictoris, a neighboring star system known for its early age and tumultuous planet-forming activity.

The solar system may have passed through dense interstellar clouds 2 million years ago, altering Earth's climate

Mon, 06/10/2024 - 2:02pm
Astrophysicists calculate the likelihood that Earth was exposed to cold, harsh interstellar clouds, a phenomenon not previously considered in geologic climate models.

In a significant first, researchers detect water frost on solar system's tallest volcanoes

Mon, 06/10/2024 - 2:01pm
An international team of planetary scientists has detected patches of water frost sitting atop the Tharsis volcanoes on Mars, which are not only the tallest volcanic mountains on the Red Planet but in the entire solar system.

Galactic bloodlines: Many nearby star clusters originate from only three 'families'

Mon, 06/10/2024 - 2:01pm
Astronomers have deciphered the formation history of young star clusters, some of which we can see with the naked eye at night. The team reports that most nearby young star clusters belong to only three families, which originate from very massive star-forming regions. This research also provides new insights into the effects of supernovae (violent explosions at the end of the life of very massive stars) on the formation of giant gas structures in galaxies like our Milky Way.

Small, cool and sulfurous exoplanet may help write recipe for planetary formation

Mon, 06/10/2024 - 2:01pm
Astronomers observing exoplanet GJ 3470 b saw evidence of water, carbon dioxide, methane and sulfur dioxide. Astronomers hope the discovery of this exoplanet's sulfurous atmosphere will advance our understanding of how planets forms.

In new experiment, scientists record Earth's radio waves from the moon

Fri, 06/07/2024 - 3:17pm
Odysseus, a tenacious lander built by the company Intuitive Machines, almost didn't make it to the moon. But an experiment aboard the spacecraft managed to capture an image of Earth as it might look to observers on a planet far from our own.

Lake under Mars ice cap unlikely

Fri, 06/07/2024 - 3:17pm
Researchers have provided a simple and comprehensive -- if less dramatic -- explanation for bright radar reflections initially interpreted as liquid water beneath the ice cap on Mars' south pole.

Researchers upend theory about the formation of the Milky Way Galaxy

Thu, 06/06/2024 - 3:22pm
Research reveals a shocking discovery about the history of our universe: the Milky Way Galaxy's last major collision occurred billions of years later than previously thought.

Exotic black holes could be a byproduct of dark matter

Thu, 06/06/2024 - 3:21pm
In the first quintillionth of a second, the universe may have sprouted microscopic black holes with enormous amounts of nuclear charge, MIT physicists propose. The gravitational pull from these tiny, invisible objects could potentially explain all the dark matter that we can't see today.

Scientists detect slowest-spinning radio emitting neutron star ever recorded

Wed, 06/05/2024 - 4:25pm
Scientists have detected what they believe to be a neutron star spinning at an unprecedentedly slow rate -- slower than any of the more than 3,000 radio emitting neutron stars measured to date.

'Weird' new planet retained atmosphere despite nearby star's relentless radiation

Wed, 06/05/2024 - 4:23pm
A rare exoplanet that should have been stripped down to bare rock by its nearby host star's intense radiation somehow grew a puffy atmosphere instead -- the latest in a string of discoveries forcing scientists to rethink theories about how planets age and die in extreme environments. Nicknamed 'Phoenix' for its ability to survive its red giant star's radiant energy discovered planet illustrates the vast diversity of solar systems and the complexity of planetary evolution -- especially at the end of stars' lives.

Researchers call for strengthening sustainability regulations in laws governing space exploration

Mon, 06/03/2024 - 5:22pm
Researchers call for strengthening existing planetary protection policies beyond the space surrounding Earth to include requirements for preserving the Lunar and Martian environments.

Martian meteorites deliver a trove of information on Red Planet's structure

Fri, 05/31/2024 - 6:28pm
Mars has a distinct structure in its mantle and crust with discernible reservoirs, and this is known thanks to meteorites that scientists have analyzed. These results are important for understanding not only how Mars formed and evolved, but also for providing precise data that can inform recent NASA missions like Insight and Perseverance and the Mars Sample Return.

Glimpses of a volcanic world: New telescope images of Jupiter's moon Io rival those from spacecraft

Thu, 05/30/2024 - 6:22pm
Combining a new imaging instrument with the powerful adaptive optics capabilities of the Large Binocular Telescope, astronomers have captured a volcanic event on Jupiter's moon Io at a resolution never before achieved with Earth-based observations.

Medium and mighty: Intermediate-mass black holes can survive in globular clusters

Thu, 05/30/2024 - 6:21pm
New research demonstrated a possible formation mechanism of intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters, star clusters that could contain tens of thousands or even millions of tightly packed stars. The first ever star-by-star massive cluster-formation simulations revealed that sufficiently dense molecular clouds, the 'birthing nests' of star clusters, can give birth to very massive stars that evolve into intermediate-mass black holes.

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope finds most distant known galaxy

Thu, 05/30/2024 - 1:27pm
Over the last two years, scientists have used NASA's James Webb Space Telescope to explore what astronomers refer to as Cosmic Dawn -- the period in the first few hundred million years after the big bang where the first galaxies were born.

Moon orbiting 'dinky' asteroid is actually two tiny moons stuck together

Wed, 05/29/2024 - 2:42pm
The moon orbiting the asteroid Dinkinesh is actually two tiny moons stuck together. Collectively called 'Selam,' the two moonlets bring new insight into the complex processes behind planetary formation and evolution.

The case of the missing black holes

Wed, 05/29/2024 - 2:42pm
Researchers have applied the well-understood and highly verified quantum field theory, usually applied to the study of the very small, to a new target, the early universe. Their exploration led to the conclusion that there ought to be far fewer miniature black holes than most models suggest, though observations to confirm this should soon be possible. The specific kind of black hole in question could be a contender for dark matter.

New technique offers more precise maps of the Moon's surface

Wed, 05/29/2024 - 2:40pm
A new study may help redefine how scientists map the surface of the Moon, making the process more streamlined and precise than ever before.

Mystery of 'slow' solar wind unveiled by Solar Orbiter mission

Tue, 05/28/2024 - 11:50am
Scientists have come a step closer to identifying the mysterious origins of the 'slow' solar wind, using data collected during the Solar Orbiter spacecraft's first close journey to the Sun.
